Accurate, robust, reliable data and evidence
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) is the collection, display and analysis of geographic data. Alcis brings together a powerful combination of information collected in the field, data derived from satellites and additional geospatial datasets to provide our clients with innovative, and often ground breaking solutions. We enable evidence-based decision making through collecting, analysing and presenting data in an engaging and interactive way.

​​​Through access to unique data, harnessing emerging technologies and constant innovation by superb technicians and partners, Alcis provides brilliant world class solutions that enable better understanding, decisions and outcomes for our clients and beneficiaries. Our data, products and services can be applied to any challenge where you need to locate and understand what is happening and why it is happening.
We specialise in challenging environments where it is difficult to visit in person.
Our goal is to improve the lives of the most vulnerable people. We do that in the following areas.

Earth Observation
Understanding what and where change is occurring on the ground, when you are denied access to those places is a common problem during humanitarian and complex development interventions. Rumours, ill informed judgement, opinion and biases can influence the design and delivery of activity.
We use commercial satellite imagery to understand what, when and where events on the ground have taken place. We identify and quantify objects without having to go to the location on the ground to see them.
Earth Observation (EO) is the practice of collecting data about earth from space. It covers sensors and systems predominantly found in satellites, but also in aircraft or other aerial platforms. It is possible to develop a long term understanding, or baseline, of a situation and build a picture of the trends before, during and after a project’s delivery.
The collection and analysis of this data provides the rigorous evidence base that is required to plan and implement effective projects
Geographic Information
Making objective decisions to identify the optimal place and time to implement a project is complex. There are many relevant and interconnected factors that need to be understood and balanced in order to make a sound judgement.
One method is to map and integrate it based on geography. Sometimes location is the only element available to link disparate information. Through the process of mapping data, we can overlay different inputs and find confluences and patterns that would otherwise be invisible
Geographic Information is a term to describe any data that contains a component that describes where it is located. It could be as simple as the inclusion of a place name, for example the population of a named town, or specific map data that records a building footprint or road alignment.
Generally, geographic information records both the position and a number of associated measurements about that feature.
Field Surveying
Not all the required answers or details can be provided by remote analysis. Whilst those techniques are very good at identifying “what, where and when” they might struggle to answer “why”. Field Survey is the process of collecting data and information on the ground, either through questionnaires or interviews with people, or through recording measurements about objects at specific locations.
Field surveying is not new and technology helps improve the quality of the results and its utility. Using tools like Alcis Collect, comprehensive data can be collected and entered directly into information systems, from mobile phones, removing the risk of human error. Using geographic data analysis, surveys can be planned to ensure they capture the actual beneficiaries, or a broad spectrum of respondents, so avoiding human bias that can creep in, particularly in complex operating environments.
By using mobile phones with GPS and cameras, it is possible to collect analysis ready information to answer complex questions.